CSE4197 Course








Students, who are promoted to the 4th grade and who are satisfying the qualification conditions, are eligible to take the CSE4197 Engineering Project course. On the other hand, activities for a project proposal and finding a supervisor start earlier. Students in this category (qualified to take CSE4197) can apply for a project proposal. The application process starts at the end of the semester of completing 165 ECTS credits )not including ECST credits of the summer practice, and the courses like NTE/TE/ Work Safety from 4th year curriculum.)

Students may apply for a project with a group. Groups can be formed by 2-3 students. The number of students in a group depends on the scope of the project and the amount of the work. Final decision on group members is given by the supervisor. Students have to find a supervisor for their projects. Also faculty members can offer project topics to the students. In the determination of the engineering project, the student(s) and the supervisor should consult on the content of the project. After consensus on the project proposal, the student(s) and the supervisor make a verbal agreement.

After registering to the CSE4197 course, students are expected to work on design and implementation of their projects in coordination with their supervisors. During each semester, meetings with the supervisor are held once a week. In these meetings both the progress of the project and the content of the project are discussed. The students are required to record the items discussed. The recorded information can be used for following the project timeline. It is also very important and useful in the preparation of the project reports. 



- Project Proposal: the document to be prepared after being qualified to take the CSE4197 Engineering Project I. Project proposal defines the project and describes the methods and the approaches on the research problem. Detailed preparation guide is given in this link.

- Project Specification Document(PSD): the document to be prepared after registering to the course CSE497 Engineering Project I. It is an extended version of the Project Proposal which is expected to describe the project and the solution methodologies in detail. Detailed preparation guide is given in this link.

- Presentation: the CSE497 presentation will be a summary of the “Project Report” you are supposed to prepare. Detailed preparation guide is given in this link.

- Analysis and Design Document(ADD): is the continuation of the project specification document (PSD) and it aims to present analysis and design of the project. The contents and the detailed preparation guide are given in this link.



- Determination of the project title and the supervisor and project proposal submission – until the end of the last semester of completing 165 ECTS Credits with given criteria

- Project Specification Document – until the end of the 6th week of the semester that you enroll CSE4197 course.

- Oral presentation – on Thursday and Friday on the 13th week of the semester that you enroll CSE4197 course.

- Analysis and Design Document– until the end of the semester that you enroll CSE4197 course.

- Seminars –The list of the seminars that you have to attend are announced at the beginning of the semester.



CSE4197 Evaluation


Project Specification Document [by Committe]


Analysis and Design Document [by Supervisor]


Work done in the semester, its validation and consistency [by Supervisor]


Oral Presentation [by the participating jury members]


Attendance to the CSE4197 Seminars + Quizzes



Project Proposal Guide

Project Preparation Guide

Project Specification Document Guide (2024)

Analysis and Design Document Guide

Sample PSDs 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11  

Sample ADDs 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 

Note that: We share the samples with you in order to give you a feedback and it does not mean that those samples got full grades from PSDs and ADDs. Each of them may be good or excellent for one or more sections of the PSDs and ADDs but they may not be complete/sufficient for one or more sections, as  well.


This page updated by Computer Engineering on 16.10.2024 23:08:12