In the last 3 years, 30 of our students have received awards in 12 different competitions. We congratulate them.
The awards received by our students in competitions are summarized below:
* Finlandiya Drone Tournament 2019, Second Place and Special Prize (Can Berk Durmuş, Elif Balcı - September 2019)
* TÜBİTAK University Students Research Projects Competition Winner (Şevvalnur Kahraman, Betül Kabadayı - June 2019)
* TUBITAK University Students Research Projects Competition Second Place (Mert Haskan, Özge Günay - June 2019)
* Second Place in Çiçek Sepeti Hackathon (Yusuf Kamil Ak, Bilgehan Nal - March 2019)
* Yıldız University Robocon 2019 contest Mission Impossible Category Second Place (Erman Havuç - March 2019)
* First Place in Unithon Engineering Competition (Emre Kumaş - March 2019)
* ITURo 2019 - Robotic Competition, Color Match Category Second and Third Place
* GTU 2019 - Robotic Competition, Design and Construct Category First Place
* Second Place in BlockChain Hackathon (Büşra Yaşar, Emine Feyza Memiş, Feyza Nur Karakoç - March 2019)
* Second Place in Mobile Application Development Marathon (Cumali Demir, Doğuşhan Balcı, Serdar Gülbetekin, Ahmet Can Küçükkör - March 2019)
* Second Place in the METU Robot Days Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Category (Students from our departments are Can Berk Durmuş, Elif Balcı, Can Gök, Zehra Zeynep Pehlivan, Muhammed Raşit Ayaz and Muhammed İsa Akbaba - February 2019)
* First Place 2242 TUBITAK Graduate Project Competition (İlker Fener, Abdullah Gülçür, Tolga Erbaş, 2021)
This page updated by Computer Engineering on 22.07.2022 18:02:41