13 Eylül 2017 Çarşamba günü saat 12:30’da Prof. Dr. Hakan Karaata MB144'de “Stabilizing Distributed Systems” başlıklı bir seminer vermiştir. Abstract ve Biography'i aşağıda bulabilirsiniz.
Abstract: A distributed system consists of a set of loosely connected processes that do not share a global memory. The task of many open distributed systems is to guarantee an invariance relationship over the states of the system, and the states of the environment influencing the system. When the invariant holds, the state of the system is legal, otherwise it is illegal. Occasionally, the actions of the environment perturb the state of the system and put it into an illegal configuration - this is viewed as a transient failure. A stabilizing system guarantees that, regardless of the current configuration, the system returns to a legal configuration in a bounded number of steps. This property of stabilization can be used to deal with variety of faults.
This talk introduces the concept of stabilization, self-* properties and presents stabilizing distributed algorithms for some fundamental problems in Distributed Computing. Due to the stabilization property, the proposed solutions tolerate transient failures and dynamic changes in the topology of the network.
Biography: Mehmet Hakan Karaata received his Ph.D degree in Computer Science in 1995 from the University of Iowa. Consequently, he joined Bilkent University as an Assistant Professor. Currently, he works as an Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering at Kuwait University. His research interests include distributed systems, fault tolerant computing and mobile computing.
Bu sayfa Computer Engineering tarafından en son 18.09.2017 15:28:25 tarihinde güncellenmiştir.