2017 - 2018
Date: 4 Mayıs 2018
Topic: CSE4198 Bitirme Projesi Poster Hazırlama
Speaker: Öğr. Gör. Birol Gençyılmaz
Tarih: 27 Nisan 2018
Speaker: Alper Gerçek
Topic: Endüstri 4.0 ve Dijital Dönüşüm
Abstract: Dijital Dönüşüm gerekliliğinden bahsedilerek, dijital dönüşümün kapsamı ve içeriği açıklanmıştır. Bilgi çağında bilginin önemi vurgulanmıştır. Sanayi Devrimi ve Endüstri 4.0 hakkında kapsamlı bilgi verilmiştir. Sanayi Devrimi ve Dijital Dönüşümün hayatımızı nasıl etkileyeceği örnekler ile açıklanmıştır. Özellikle Bilişim alanında olmak üzere, yeni mesleklerin neler olacağı, hangi alanlarda gelecekte ihtiyaç olacağı konusunda bilgilendirme yapılmıştır.
Tarih: 13 Nisan 2018
Speaker: Dr. Ferhat Özgür Çatak
Topic: Siber Güvenlik
Abstract: Siber Güvenlik, Yazılım Güvenliği konularında bilgi verilmiş, Siber güvenliğe olan tehditlerin neler olduğu tanımlanmış ve güncel örnekler ile açıklanmıştır. Ayrıca, Blok Zincir (Block Chain) ve Sanal Para yapıları açıklanmıştır. Blok Zincir uygulamalarına örnekler verilmiştir. Blok Zincir sisteminin çalışması açıklanarak, yapılan çalışmalardan bahsedilmiştir.
Tarih: 23 Mart 2018
Speakers: Gürcan Ozan, ACT Venture Partners Ortağı
Mustafa Burak Amasyalı, Lojika Fieldlabs Kurucusu
Elif Parlak, Lojika Fieldlabs, İş Geliştirme Uzmanı
Fatih Işık, REKMOB Kurucusu
Topic: Girişimcilik Destek Programları ve Örnek Başarı Hikayeleri
Abstract: Seminerde ilk Olarak Gürcan Ozan, girişimcilik ile ilgili bilgiler verdi. Risk sermayesi şirketlerinden, TÜBİTAK ve KOSGEB’in destek programlarıdan nasıl destek alınarak şirket kurulabileceğinden, şirket yönetimine kadar farklı pek çok konuda detaylar anlatıldı. Seminerin ikinci bölümünde, Mustafa Amasyalı ve Elif Parlak kendi şirketlerindeki başarı hikayesini paylaştı, Avrupa Birliği’nin desteklerinden bahsetti. Son bölümde ise bölümümüz mezunlarından Fatih Işık, kendi şirketini nasıl kurduğu, aldığı destekleri ve yaşadığı süreçler ile ilgili tecrübelerini katılımcılar ile paylaştı.
Tarih: 9 Mart 2018
Speaker: Lemi Ergin,
Topic: Bilişim Etiği
Abstract: Seminerde Lemi Ergin, etik yazılım geliştiricisi olmanın prensiplerinden bahsetti. Güvenli kod yazmanın pratiklerinden, özel bilgilerin gizliliğinin korunmasından, işyerinde dürüstlükten, müşteri ile açık olmaktan, takım çalışmasının öneminden ve yardımlaşmadan, kaliteli iş çıkartmaktan, testin ve dökümantasyonun öneminden, kişisel ve kültürel olarak dikkat edilmesi gereken konularlar ilgili açıklamalar yaptı, kendi deneyimleriden örnekler verdi.
Tarih: 2 Mart 2018
Speaker: Doç Dr. Müjdat Soytürk
Topic: 5G ve Dikey Teknolojiler
Abstract: Seminerde haberleşme teknolojilerinin son yıllardaki gelişiminden, kablosuz ağlarla birlikte mobilitenin öneminin artmasından, 5G teknolojisi ile birlikte nesnelerin interneti ve endüstri 4.0 gibi kavramların çok daha önemli olacağından ve bu kavramlar için 5G’nin önemli bir yapı taşı olduğundan bahsedildi. Farklı sektörlerde 5G teknolojileri ile ne gibi değişikler olacağı, hizmetlerin ne şekilde gelişeceği, otomotiv, medya ve eğlence, enerji, sağlık ve tarım başlıkları altında irdelendi. Bu sektrörlerdeki mevcut durum ve gelecek projeksiyonu anlatıldı.
Tarih: 23 Şubat 2018
Speaker: Özer Koray Akdemir, TÜBİTAK BİLGEM, Blokzincir Araştırma Laboratuvarı, Baş Araştırmacı
Topic: Blokzincir ve Uygulamaları
Abstract: Blokzincir kavramının ne olduğu özellikle Bitcoin sanal para birimi temel alınarak anlatıldı. Blokzincirin kullanılabileceği diğer uygulama alanlarından ve gelecekte ne şekilde kullanılabileceğine dair örnekler verildi.
Date: 25 Aralık 2017
Topic: Yenilik ve Girişimcilik
Abstract: İnovasyon, yeni fikirlerin, olasılıkların değişik bir bakış açısı ile tanınması ve üretilmesidir. İnovasyon, yeni veya iyileştirilmiş hizmet veya üretim yöntemi geliştirmek ve bunu ticari gelir elde edecek hale getirmek için yürütülen tüm süreçleri kapsar. Girişimcilik; Etrafımıza farklı bir bakış açısıyla bakma ve bakarken görüp tespit ettiğimiz fırsatları değerlendirme sürecidir. Girişimci, risk alarak yenilik veya geliştirme yapan kişidir. Diğer bir deyişle, girişimci fırsatları gözleyen ve onları bulduğunda her tür riski alarak fikrini gerçekleştirmeye çalışandır. Girişimcilik için fikir üretmek, Ar-Ge yapmak şarttır. Yenilik ve girişimcilik arasındaki farklar ve girişimciliğin temel esasları ile ilgili kısım ile seminer sona ermiştir.
Speaker: Prof.Dr. Hande Sinem Ergun
Date: 15 Aralık 2017
Topic: Yazılım ve Test Mühendisliği Standartları
Abstract: Yazılım süreçlerinden ve test süreçlerinden bahsedilerek, yazılım ve test süreçlerinde uygulanan kurallar, yapılan işlemler ve uyulması gereken standartlar verilmiştir. Standartların yazılım testlerindeki önemi verilmiştir.
Speaker: Furkan Paligu, TUBİTAK BİLGEM Yazılım Test Mühendisi
Date: 1 Aralık 2017
Topic: İnovasyon, Yenilik ve Girişimcilik
Abstract: KOSGEB tarafından sağlanan destek programlarından bahsedildi. Arge, İnovasyon ve Endüstriyel Uygulama Destek Programı, İşbirliği-Güçbirliği Destek Programı, Kobi Proje Destek Programı, Genel Destek Programı, Girişimcilik Destek Programı hakkında bilgiler verildi. Girişimciliğe yönelik verilen eğitimler ve içeriklerinden bahsedildi.
Speaker: Onur Alp YATIR, KOSGEB Kobi Uzmanı
Date: 24 Kasım 2017
Topic: Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma için Bilişim
Abstract: Sürdürülebilirlik ve sürdürülebillir kalkınmanın tanımları yapılarak, Küresel Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Politika ve Stratejilerinin seyri ve mevcut durumu verilmiştir. Gezegenin sınırları ve iklim değişikliği sorunlarından bahsedilip, değişimin gerekliliğinden, ve çözüm olarak da Bilişim faktörüne yer verilmiştir. Bilişimin, sürdürülebilir kalkınmadaki rolü ve önemi verilmiştir.
Speaker: Dursun Baş, Regional Environmental Center (REC) Turkey
Date: 17 Kasım 2017
Topic: Sürdürülebilir Yazılım Geliştirme
Abstract: Sürdürülebilirlik kavramı yazılım mühendisliği bağlamında tartışıldı. Sürdürülebilirliğin genel bir tanımından sonra, ilgili literatürdeki en son çalışmaları, yazılım mühendisliği için sürdürülebilirliği ve sürdürülebilirliğin somut bir tanımını ortaya koymak için hangi kavramları tanımladığı ve kullandığını incelendi. Devamında, kapsam ve bağlam için üç parametre kullanan yazılım mühendisliğinde sürdürülebilirliğin dört boyutu tartışıldı. Dört boyut, geliştirme süreci boyutu, bakım süreci boyutu, sistem üretim boyutu ve sistem kullanımı boyutudur. Bu boyutlar aşağıdaki üç soruyu dikkate alarak incelendi: 1) hangi sistem 2) hangi işlevi3) hangi zaman aralığında.
Speaker: Doç.Dr. Borahan Tümer
Date: 16 Kasım 2017
Topic: Migrating Birds Optimization: A New Meta-heuristic Approach and Its Application to the Quadratic Assignment Problem
Abstract: We propose a new nature inspired metaheuristic approach based on the V flight formation of the migrating birds which is proven to be an effective formation in energy saving. Its performance is tested on quadratic assignment problem instances arising from a real life problem and very good results are obtained. The quality of the solutions we report are better than simulated annealing, tabu search, genetic algorithm, scatter search, particle swarm optimization, differential evolution and guided evolutionary simulated annealing approaches. The proposed method is also tested on a number of benchmark problems obtained from the QAPLIB and in most cases it was able to obtain the best known solutions. These results indicate that our new metaheuristic approach could be an important player in metaheuristic based optimization.
Speaker: Doç.Dr. Ali Fuat Alkaya
Date: 16 Kasım 2017
Topic: An Electronic Market Model for Large-Scale Book Trading
Abstract: This study introduces an electronic market model for secondary book markets in which each market participant can put up books for sale, and simultaneously place requests for book purchase. The model allows participants to declare a budget limit so that for each participant, the difference between the cost of purchased books and the revenue obtained from sold books stays within the declared budget limit. The model also allows participants to declare sets of substitutable books along with their preferences so that they can purchase at most one book from each of these sets. In this study, the mathematical definition of the market model is introduced, and the corresponding winner determination problem is formulated as a multi-objective linear integer program. Since this problem is NP-Hard, three heuristic methods are proposed, and the performances of these methods are demonstrated on a comprehensive test suite. The results indicate that the model can be used efficiently in large-scale electronic markets in which durable goods are exchanged with tens of thousands of participants.
Speaker: Yrd.Doç.Dr. Ali Haydar Özer
Date: 9 Kasım 2017
Topic: Solving Dynamic Graph Coloring Problem Using Dynamic Pool Based Evolutionary Algorithm
Abstract: Graph coloring problem is one of the main optimization problems from the literature. Many real world problems interacting with changing environments can be modeled with dynamic graphs. Genetic algorithms are a good choice to solve dynamic graph coloring problem because they can adopt to dynamic environments and are suitable for problems with NP-hard complexity. In this talk, we will examine dynamic pool based evolutionary algorithm (DPBEA) for solving the dynamic graph coloring problem, which contains a partition based representation to adopt to the dynamic changes of the graph and carry the valuable information obtained in history. This algorithm uses a novel special purpose pool based crossover operator that targets to minimize the number of colors used in the solutions and a local search method that tries to increase the diversity of the solutions. The performance of the algorithm is compared with a well known heuristic for solving the graph coloring problem and a genetic algorithm with a dynamic population using a large number of dynamic graphs. The experimental evaluation indicates that DPBEA outperforms these algorithms with respect to number of colors used by the algorithms in most of the test cases provided.
Speaker: Yrd.Doç.Dr. Betül Boz
Date: 9 Kasım 2017
Topic: Incentive Mechanisms in User Provided Networks
Abstract: Increase in the number of mobile users demanding internet connectivity gave rise to a cooperative solution called User-provided connectivity (UPC) which is a promising paradigm to remedy internet connectivity needs of mobile users. In this model, participants cooperate to enable a group of mobile users to access internet while they have no or limited connectivity. One of the key research problems in UPC is giving incentives to mobile network subscribers to promote active participation. In this talk, several incentive mechanisms that are proposed recently will be overviewed. Next, a new scheme will be described for incentivizing users in a network assisted User Provided Network (UPN) in which subscribers with limited or no connectivity access Internet while still charging to their own quota. This scheme proposes a simple and applicable bargaining based mechanism to encourage mobile network subscribers to join the protocol to provide UPC. Since the scheme is network assisted network operators are expected to support and do not impose any restrictions on the protocol. In this scheme utility and cost functions are defined for participants in terms of provided throughput and battery energy, and the protocol operates iteratively as in the case of a real world bargaining.
Speaker: Yrd.Doç.Dr. Ömer Korçak
Date: 27 Ekim 2017
Topic: “İnternet Hukuku”
Abstract: 5651 sayılı Kanun kapsamında İnternet üzerinden verilen hizmetler ve erişilebilirlik tanımlamaları yapılarak, hukuksal boyutları irdelenmiştir. Bilişim suçları ve problemlere yönelik tespitler ve analizler yapılmıştır. Adli Bilişim ile yöntemler değerlendirilmiştir. İlgili Kanuna uygun olarak veri saklama usulleri belirtilmiştir. Siber suçlar tanımlanmıştır. Kişisel verilerin korunması ile ilgili usuller belirtilmiştir.
Speaker: Av. Gökhan Ahi
Date: 26 Ekim 2017
Topic: "Affective Computing: Challenges, Applications, Approaches"
Abstract: In human-human interactions we communicate using verbal messages and also non-verbal messages such as facial expressions, changes in our voice, and body gestures. The non-verbal messages reinforce or modify what is said in words. In the near future, it is envisioned that human-machine interaction will go beyond the mouse and the keyboard and will become more similar to human-human interaction. Machines will be aware of the emotional and mental state of humans and will adopt their responses accordingly. Affective computing is a relatively new research field the aim of which is to design systems that can recognize, interpret and simulate human emotions and related phenomena. In the first part of the seminar an introduction to the field of affective computing will be made, focusing on the application areas, and major research challenges. In order to design systems which can recognize emotions, naturalistic training and test data are needed. Most databases available to researchers today are recorded in an acted way under laboratory conditions, and do not reflect real-world conditions. In the second part of the seminar, two new naturalistic affective audio-visual databases BAUM-1 and BAUM-2 will be introduced, which contain spontaneous Turkish expressions of 13 emotions and mental states. Then, three recent methods for multimodal audio/visual affect recognition will be described which use facial expressions and speech and fuse them at the decision level.
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Çiğdem Eroğlu Erdem
Date: 26 Ekim 2017
Topic: Evolutionary Computation for Dynamic Optimization Problems
Abstract: Dynamic optimization problems (DOPs) have been rapidly attracting the interest of the research community, since most real world problems in different domains have various characteristics of dynamism. One or more underlying elements of a given dynamic optimization problem including the objective function, problem constraints, decision variables or environmental parameters may change over time, where the main motivation becomes tracking the global optimum value as close as possible. In this talk, the characteristics of DOPs are presented briefly which is followed by the details of selected DOPs. An emphasize will be given for the Moving Peaks Benchmark (MPB), which is the most widely used benchmark utilized in the literature. A set of selected evolutionary techniques for solving DOP will be presented as part of the talk. Finally, performance evaluation of selected techniques on a case study will be presented. It is also planned to summarize change detection mechanisms for dynamic optimization problems.
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Haluk Topçuoğlu
Date: 20 Ekim 2017
Topic: “Bilişim Erişilebilirliği”
Abstract: İstanbul Valiliği Bilişim Erişilebilirliği Komisyonu ile Üniversitenin yapmış olduğu işbirliği kapsamında gerçekleştirilen seminerde, komisyon üyesi Sayın Hasan ÖZDEMİR tarafından çağımızda görme engelli bireylerin özgürlüğünü sağlayan bilişim erişilebilirliğinin evrensel tasarımın ön koşulu olduğu anlatıldı. Ayrıca yazılım geliştirme sürecinde engellilerin yazılımları kullanabilmesi için dikkat edilmesi gereken konular anlatıldı.
Speakers: Hasan Özdemir, Microsoft
Date: 19 Ekim 2017
Topic: Research Guide for Graduate Students
Abstract: The aim of this presentation is to introduce strategies for graduate students to succeed in their study. The content is based on both experiences from former graduate students and a set of related documents presented in the literature. The research process starts with finding an academic advisor and picking up a research topic. The first part of the presentation aims to guide for selecting an advisor and finding a research topic. It also presents strategies for communicating with the advisor. A graduate student is expected to read large volumes of technical documents. As part of the presentation, critical reading strategies are briefly presented. We also cover how to access technical papers from the electronic databases of the university. Writing at Master’s or PhD level is a challenging process. Strategies for publishing results of research and professional development are also covered as part of the presentation. An important issue of the talk is the plagiarism. A web based system for detecting and preventing plagiarism and improper citations is briefly summarized.
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Haluk Topçuoğlu
Date: 13 Ekim 2017
Topic: “Büyük Veri ve Analiz (Big Data & Analytics)”
Abstract: Büyük Veri'ye genel bir giriş yapılarak ve geleneksel veri metodolojilerinden farklarına değinilmiştir. Karşılaşılan zorluklar ve fırsatlar üzerinde durulmuştur. Gerçek yaşam uygulamaları ve kullanılan teknolojiler/mimarileri hakkında bilgi aktarılarak ve büyük verinin iş birimleri açısından yansımaları ve iş kararları üzerindeki etkisine kısa bir bakış yapılmıştır.
Speakers: Dr. Çağatay Talay, Senior Data Architect - Big Data Platform at Digiturk
Date: 22 Eylül 2017
Topic: “CSE497 ve CSE498 Bitirme Projesi Hazırlama Süreçleri”
Speakers: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Müjdat Soytürk, Öğr. Gör. Birol Gençyılmaz
2016 - 2017 Seminerler
Date: 5 Mayıs 2017
Topic: CSE498 Bitirme Projesi Poster Hazırlama
Speaker: Öğr. Gör. Birol Gençyılmaz
Date: 21 Nisan 2017
Topic: Yazılım geliştirme yaşam döngüsü
Speaker: Özgün Emre Uğurlu, NETAŞ
Date: 21 Nisan 2017
Topic: Redis, SignalR teknolojileri uygulamaları
Speaker: Ersel Bozkartal, NETAŞ
Date: 21 Nisan 2017
Topic: Profesyonel iş hayatında bizi neler bekliyor?
Speaker: Hakan Altınbaş, NETAŞ
Date: 14 Nisan 2017
Topic: Yeni Sanayi Devrimi : Sanayinin Sayısal Dönüşümü
Speaker: Alper Gerçek, Kıdemli Tasarım Lideri, Teknoloji Transfer Müdürlüğü, Aselsan
Date: 7 Nisan 2017
Topic: Türkiye IT pazarı ve Teknoloji Trendleri
Speaker: Aslı Demir Koçkal, Research Manager, Systems & Infrastructure Solutions, IDC
Date: 7 Nisan 2017
Topic: Büyük Veri ve Analiz (Big Data & Analytics)
Speaker: Dr. Çağatay Talay, Senior Data Architect - Big Data Platform at Digiturk
Date: 17 Mart 2017
Topic: Teknoloji Dönüşümünde BT Güvenliğinin Yeri
Speaker: Yeşim Öztürk, Yazılım Pazarından Sorumlu Kıdemli Araştırma Analisti, IDC
Date: 10 Mart 2017
Topic: Bilgi Güvenliği ve Kalite
Speaker: Hatice Ezgi Civelek, Türkiye Sınai ve Kalkınma Bankası Bilgi Güveliği ve Kalite Birimi
Date: 24 Şubat 2017
Topic: 5G Teknolojileri ve IoT, FPGA Programlama, Yapay Zeka Uygulamaları
Speaker: Ali TELLİ, Ar-Ge Bölümü Yöneticisi, HAVELSAN
Date: 17 Şubat 2017
Topic: Siber Güvenlik
Speaker: Alper Başaran, Garnizon Bilgi Güvenliği
Date: 16 Aralik 2016
Topic: “TUBITAK, BİLGEM Tanitimi ve Projeleri”
Speaker: Alper Ay, Birim Yoneticisi, TÜBİTAK
Date: 9 Aralik 2016
Topic: “Fikri ve Mulki Haklar, Patent, Faydali Model”
Speaker: Ersin Dereligil, Yonetim Kurulu Uyesi, DESTEK PATENT
Date: 2 Aralik 2016
Topic: "IGA Teknoloji ve Servisleri"
Speaker: Ersin Inankul, IGA IT Direktoru, İstanbul Grand Airport
Date: 25 Kasim 2016
Topic: "Connected People - Connected World"
Speakers: Kutsal Anıl, Genel Müdür, PAVOTEK
Date: 7 Kasım 2016
Topic: "Performance Analysis of Nature Inspired Heuristics for Survivable Virtual Topology Mapping"
Abstract: The high capacity of fibers used in optical networks, can be divided into many channels, using the WDM technology. Any damage to a fiber causes all the channels routed through this link to be broken, which may result in a serious amount of data loss. As a solution to this problem, the virtual layer can be mapped onto the physical topology, such that, a failure on any physical link does not disconnect the virtual topology. This is known as the survivable virtual topology mapping problem. In this study, we investigated the performance of two popular nature inspired heuristics, namely, evolutionary algorithms and ant colony optimization, in finding a survivable mapping of a given virtual topology while minimizing the resource usage. Our results show that both nature inspired heuristics perform remarkably well for this problem. Furthermore, both methods can obtain high quality solutions in less than a minute.
Speakers: Yrd.Doç.Dr. Fatma Corut Ergin, Marmara Üniversitesi, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü, Öğretim Üyesi
Date: 7 Kasım 2016
Topic: "Effects of UAV Mobility Patterns on Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks"
Abstract: Sensor nodes in a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) can be dispersed over a remote sensing area e.g. the regions that cannot be accessed by human beings (inaccessible regions). In such kind of networks, data collection becomes one of the major issues. Getting connected to each sensor node and retrieving the information in time introduces new challenges. Mobile sink usage, especially the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), is the most convenient approach to cover the area and access each sensor node in such a large scale WSN. However, the operation of the UAV depends on some parameters such as endurance time, altitude, speed, radio type in use, and the path. In this paper, we explore various mobility patterns of UAV that follow different paths to sweep the playground in order to seek the best area coverage with maximum number of covered nodes in less amount of time needed by the mobile sink. A realistic simulation environment is used in order to compare and evaluate the performance of the system. We present the performance results for the explored UAV mobility patterns. The results are very useful to present the tradeoff between maximizing the covered nodes and minimizing the operation time for choosing the appropriate mobility pattern.
Speakers: Yrd.Doç.Dr. Müjdat Soytürk, Marmara Üniversitesi, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü, Öğretim Üyesi
Date: 31 Ekim 2016
Topic: "Semantic Text Mining: Supervised and Semi-Supervised Classification Approaches"
Konuşma özeti: Ever increasing volumes of structured and unstructured data in variety of types such text, multimedia, and graph is popularly referred as "Big Data". An important portion of this data is in unstructured text format. There are important challenges to extract meaning or useful information from large textual datasets. One of the major methods used for organizing and mining big textual data is text classification. We use classification algorithms from machine learning domain which is a sub-field of Artificial Intelligence. In order for machine learning algorithms to work, unstructured textual documents are represented using Vector Space Models (VSM). Semantics of VSM comes from the distributional hypothesis, which states that words that occur in similar contexts usually have similar meanings. Although, the VSM approach is very simple and commonly used, it has several limitations. One of them is the assumption of independency between terms as well as between documents. Documents are represented only with their term frequencies, disregarding their position in the document or their semantic or syntactic connections between other words. As a result, polysemous words (i.e. words with multiple meanings) are treated as a single entity and synonymous words are mapped into different components. This has a negative impact on performance of machine learning algorithms. There is a need for more advanced methods that incorporates additional semantics into these algorithms. In this seminar, we present several semantic text mining algorithms ranging from higher-order co-occurrence based probabilistic methods to class semantics based kernel methods for supervised and semi-supervised classification of textual documents.
Speakers: Yrd.Doç.Dr. Murat Can Ganiz, Marmara Üniversitesi, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü, Öğretim Üyesi
Date: 31 Ekim 2016
Topic: "Migrating Birds Optimization: A New Meta-heuristic Approach and Its Application to the Quadratic Assignment Problem"
Topic: We propose a new nature inspired metaheuristic approach based on the V flight formation of the migrating birds which is proven to be an effective formation in energy saving. Its performance is tested on quadratic assignment problem instances arising from a real life problem and very good results are obtained. The quality of the solutions we report are better than simulated annealing, tabu search, genetic algorithm, scatter search, particle swarm optimization, differential evolution and guided evolutionary simulated annealing approaches. The proposed method is also tested on a number of benchmark problems obtained from the QAPLIB and in most cases it was able to obtain the best known solutions. These results indicate that our new metaheuristic approach could be an important player in metaheuristic based optimization.
Speakers: Doç.Dr. Ali Fuat Alkaya, Marmara Üniversitesi, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü, Öğretim Üyesi
Date: 24 Ekim 2016
Topic: "Affective Computing: Challenges, Applications, Approaches"
Abstract: In human-human interactions we communicate using verbal messages and also non-verbal messages such as facial expressions, changes in our voice, and body gestures. The non-verbal messages reinforce or modify what is said in words. In the near future, it is envisioned that human-machine interaction will go beyond the mouse and the keyboard and will become more similar to human-human interaction. Machines will be aware of the emotional and mental state of humans and will adopt their responses accordingly. Affective computing is a relatively new research field the aim of which is to design systems that can recognize, interpret and simulate human emotions and related phenomena. In the first part of the seminar an introduction to the field of affective computing will be made, focusing on the application areas, and major research challenges. In order to design systems which can recognize emotions, naturalistic training and test data are needed. Most databases available to researchers today are recorded in an acted way under laboratory conditions, and do not reflect real-world conditions. In the second part of the seminar, two new naturalistic affective audio-visual databases BAUM-1 and BAUM-2 will be introduced, which contain spontaneous Turkish expressions of 13 emotions and mental states. Then, three recent methods for multimodal audio/visual affect recognition will be described which use facial expressions and speech and fuse them at the decision level.
Speakers: Prof.Dr. Çiğdem Eroğlu Erdem, Marmara Üniversitesi, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü, Öğretim Üyesi
Date: 24 Ekim 2016
Topic: "Research Guide for Graduate Students"
Abstract: The aim of this presentation is to introduce strategies for graduate students to succeed in their study. The content is based on both experience of the advisors on their graduate students and set of documents related with the topic. The research process will be covered by presenting a set of related issues including managing day-to-day work life of a graduate student, communication with his/her advisor, reading technical papers, plagiarism, publishing results of research and professional development. Unlike undergraduate courses, graduate studies require a student read large volumes of technical documents. As part of the presentation, critical reading strategies are briefly presented. Writing at the Master’s or PhD level is a challenging process, which will be covered briefly as the last phase of the presentation
Speakers: Prof.Dr. Haluk Topçuoğlu, Marmara Üniversitesi, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü, Bölüm Başkanı
Date: 21 Ekim 2016
Topic: “Perakende ve Teknoloji”
Speaker: Kerim Tatlıcı, Migros A.Ş., Bilgi Teknolojileri & İş Geliştirme / Ar-Ge Merkezi Diretörü
Date: 14 Ekim 2016
Topic: “CDN and Cloud Technology”
Speakers: Atakan TİTİZ, DoraBase, IT Departman Direktörü
Date: 7 Ekim 2016
Topic: “IoT and Mobile Communication”
Speakers: Serhat Türkiçin, Turkcell, M2M ve IoT Servisleri ve Çözümleri Bölümü Yöneticisi.
Date: 30 Eylül 2016
Topic: “CSE497 ve CSE498 Bitirme Projesi Hazırlama Süreçleri”
Speakers: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Müjdat Soytürk, Öğr. Gör. Birol Gençyılmaz
2015 - 2016 Seminerler
Date: 29 Nisan 2016
Topic: “Robotics and Artificial Intelligence”
Speaker: Nezih Ergin Özkucur, Boğaziçi Üni. Computer Eng. PhD student
Date: 15 Nisan 2016
Seminer Veren Kurum: NETAŞ Ar-Ge
Topic: “eBilet Projesi, İş Zekası, Veri Ambarı, Veri Tabanı Yöneticiliği”
Speakers: Osman Kumaş (Software Design Manager– Netaş Tanıtımı ve eBilet Projesi), Oğuz Kutlu (Sr. Solution Architect– Veri Tabanı Yöneticiliği), Fatih Gündoğdu (BI Architect – İş Zekası ve Veri Ambarı)
Date: 8 Nisan 2016
Seminer Veren Kurum: Huawei Ar-Ge
Topic: “Profiling User Interactions on Social Networks”
Speaker: Dr. Cüneyt Gürcan Akçora, Huawei Research Turkey, Technology Introduction Lab
Date: 24 Mart 2016
Topic: "Evolutionary Computation for Dynamic Optimization Problems"
Abstract: Dynamic optimization problems (DOPs) have been rapidly attracting the interest of the research community, since most real world problems in different domains have various characteristics of dynamism. One or more underlying elements of a given dynamic optimization problem including the objective function, problem constraints, decision variables or environmental parameters may change over time, where the main motivation becomes tracking the global optimum value as close as possible. In this study, the characteristics of DOPs are presented briefly which is followed by the details of selected DOPs. A set of selected evolutionary techniques for solving DOP will be presented as part of the talk. Finally, performance evaluation of selected techniques on a case study will be presented.
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Haluk Topcuoglu
Date: 24 Mart 2016
Topic: "Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning in Non-stationary Environments"
Abstract: A Reinforcement Learning (RL) agent mostly assumes environments are stationary which is not feasible on most real world problems. Most RL approaches adapt slow changes by forgetting the previous dynamics of the environment. A recent study on RL in non-stationary environments, Reinforcement Learning with Context Detection (RL-CD), presents a technique that helps determine changes of the environment's nature which the agent with the capability to learn different dynamics of the non-stationary environment. In this study we propose an autonomous agent that learns a dynamic environment by taking advantage of Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning (HRL) and present how the hierarchical structure can be integrated into RL-CD to speed up the convergence of a policy. We illustrate how our method outperforms RL-CD by employing hierarchies in RL.
Speaker: Doç. Dr. Borahan Tümer
Date: 17 Mart 2016
Topic: "Improving Efficiency in Database Marketing"
Abstract: The companies, particularly the banking industry, regularly mount campaigns to improve customer value by offering new products to existing customers. In recent years, this approach has gained significant momentum because of the increasing availability of customer data and the improved analysis capabilities in data mining. Typically, response models based on historical data are used to estimate the probability of a customer purchasing an additional product and the expected return from that additional purchase. Even with these computational improvements and accurate models of customer behavior, the problem of efficiently using marketing resources to maximize the return on marketing investment is a challenge. Simply knowing a customer’s probability of responding to a particular offer is not enough when a company has several products to promote and other business constraints to consider in its marketing planning. This problem is compounded because of the capability to launch multiple campaigns through several distribution channels over multiple time periods. The combination of alternatives creates a complicated array of possible actions.
Speaker: Yrd. Doç. Mustafa Ağaoğlu
Date: 17 Mart 2016
Topic: "Auction And Barter Models For Electronic Markets"
Abstract: Recent advances in information technology have made major impact on markets and provided an ability to shift from the traditional physical markets where the traders meet at a certain place and at a certain time for exchanging commodities, to the electronic markets. However, in order for e-markets to be pervasive, innovative market mechanisms that support more complicated scenarios should be introduced. In this talk, two auction and barter based electronic market models will be introduced.Our first model is a direct barter model for the course add/drop process in the universities. We model the course add/drop process as a direct barter problem in which add/drop requests can be placed as barter bids. Our second model is the double auction with limited cover money model. In this model, we propose the use of discrete time double auction institution for the trading of used goods as well as new ones. Our model allows declaration of an amount of cover money so that what is spent on purchased items minus the proceeds of sold items does not exceed this cover money amount. We also introduce a mechanism so that bidders may place multiple item requests in a single bid and limit the maximum number of items to be purchased.
Speaker:Yrd. Doç. Ali Haydar Özer
Date: 11 Mart 2016
Seminer Veren Kurumlar: MİTTO(Marmara Üniversitesi İnovasyon ve Teknoloji Transfer Ofisi), ANONİMYA, REKMOB,Lojika Fieldlabs
Topic: “Girişimcilik Destek Programları ve Örnek Başarı Hikayeleri”
Speakers: Mustafa Tüysüz(MİTTO), Münevver Olcaysoy(Uzman Danışman), Mustafa Burak Amasyalı(Lojika Fieldlabs), Taha Ali Çelik(ANONİMYA), Fatih Işık(REKMOB)
Date: 10 Mart 2016
Topic: "Modeling Variations First-Order Horn Abduction in Answer Set Programming using On-Demand Constraints and Flexible Value Invention "
Abstract: We study abduction in First Order Horn logic theories where all atoms can be abduced and we are looking for prefered solutions with respect to objective functions cardinality minimality, Coherence, or Weighted Abduction. We represent this reasoning problem in Answer Set Programming (ASP), in order to obtain a flexible framework for experimenting with global constraints andobjective functions, and to test the boundaries of what is possible with ASP, because realizing this problem in ASP is challenging as it requires value invention and equivalence between certain constants as the Unique Names Assumption does not hold in general. For permitting reasoning in cyclic theories, we formally describe fine-grained variations of limiting Skolemization. We evaluate ourencodings and extensions experimentally on the ACCEL benchmark for plan recognition in Natural Language Understanding. Our encodings are publicly available, modular, and our approach is more efficient than state-of-the-art solvers on the ACCEL benchmark. We identify term equivalence as a main instantiation bottleneck, and experiment with on-demand constraints that were used to elim- inate the same bottleneck in state-of-the-art solvers and make them applicable for larger datasets. Surprisingly, experiments show that this method is beneficial only for cardinality minimality with our ASP encodings.
Speaker: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Peter Schueller
Date: 10 Mart 2016
Topic: "Incentive Mechanisms in User Provided Networks "
Abstract: Increase in the number of mobile users demanding internet connectivity gave rise to a cooperative solution called User-provided connectivity (UPC) which is a promising paradigm to remedy internet connectivity needs of mobile users. In this model, participants cooperate to enable a group of mobile users to access internet while they have no or limited connectivity. One of the key research problems in UPC is giving incentives to mobile network subscribers to promote active participation. In this talk, several incentive mechanisms that are proposed recently will be overviewed. Next, a new scheme will be described for incentivizing users in a network assisted User Provided Network (UPN) in which subscribers with limited or no connectivity access Internet while still charging to their own quota. This scheme proposes a simple and applicable bargaining based mechanism to encourage mobile network subscribers to join the protocol to provide UPC. Since the scheme is network assisted network operators are expected to support and do not impose any restrictions on the protocol. In this scheme utility and cost functions are defined for participants in terms of provided throughput and battery energy, and the protocol operates iteratively as in the case of a real world bargaining.
Speaker: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ömer Korçak
Date: 4 Mart 2016
Seminer veren kurum: ACM
Topic: “Yazılım Geliştirmede Etik”
Speaker: Lemi Orhan ERGİN
Date: 26 Şubat 2016
Seminer veren kurum: SAP Türkiye
Topic: “SAP ve ERP Uygulamaları”
Speaker: İsmail Boz
Date: 19 Şubat 2016
Topic: “CSE497 ve CSE498 Bitirme Projesi Hazırlama Süreçleri”
Speakers: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Müjdat Soytürk, Öğr. Gör. Birol Gençyılmaz
Date: 11 Aralık 2015
Seminer veren kurum: Etiya
Topic: “Büyük Veri(Big Data) ve Apache Spark”
Speaker: Abdulkerim Mızrak, Veri Ambarı-İş Zekası Yöneticisi (Data Warehouse-Business Intelligence Manager)
Date: 4 Aralık 2015
Seminer veren kurum: Migros Ar-Ge
Topic: “Perakende ve Teknoloji”
Speaker: Kerim Tatlıcı, Bilgi Teknolojileri & İş Geliştirme / Ar-Ge Merkezi Diretörü
Date: 27 Kasım 2015
Seminer veren kurum: Türksat A.Ş.
Topic: “Türksat Uygulamaları ve Ar-Ge Faaliyetleri”
Speaker: Prof.Dr. Ensar Gül, (Genel Müdür) ve Dr. Ahmet Savaş, (Yönetici, E-Devlet ve Bilgi Toplumu)
Date: 20 Kasım 2015 Cuma
Seminer Veren Kurum: PAVOTEK
Topic: "M2M ve IoT Uygulamaları"
Speaker: Kutsal ANIL ,Genel Müdür
Date: 23 Ekim 2015 Cuma
Seminer Veren Kurum: Alcatel-Lucent AR-GE Departmanı
Topic: "DSL Fixed Access and Internet(İsmail GÜN), Veritabanları ve SQL(Mehmet Caner UZUNKONAK )"
Speaker: İsmail GÜN, Mehmet Caner UZUNKONAK
Date: 16 Ekim 2015 Cuma
Topic: "Build Automation with Gradle(Build automation is an essential method to package and deploy the software. It also helps us to see what is going on before sending bugs to customer's hands. Gradle is a build automation tool which takes advantages of previous build automation tools and introduces a Groovy-based domain-specific language.)"
Speaker: Çağlar Karabulut, Expert Software Engineer, ACM
Date: 9 Ekim 2015 Cuma
Topic: "Modeling “Reading between the Lines” Based on Scalable and Trainable Abduction and Large-scale Knowledge Acquisition"
Speaker: Asst. Prof. Dr. Naoya Inoue from Tohoku University, Japan. http://www.cl.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp/
2014-2015 Seminerler
Date: 8 Mayıs 2015
Topic: "Akademik Poster Hazırlama"
Speaker: Birol Gençyılmaz
Date: 6 Mayıs 2015
Topic: “Design Space Exploration for Customized Heterogeneous Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (MPSoC)”
Speaker: Prof. Smail Niar
Date: 17 Nisan 2015
Seminer Veren Kurum: Koç-Sistem
Topic: “Bilgi Teknolojileri Servis Yönetimi”
Konusmaci: Dr. Turgay Karlıdere, Koç Sistem Süreç, Hizmet ve Teknoloji Yönetimi – Grup Yöneticisi
Date: 10 Nisan 2015
Seminer Veren Kurum: PAVOTEK
Topic: “FPGA Uygulamaları” (Gömülü Sistemler ve Robotik)
Konusmaci: Kutsal Anıl, Genel Müdür
Date: 20 Mart 2015
Seminer Veren Kurum: Huawei Türkiye
Topic: “Backward Design and Plan”
Konusmaci: Y.Müh. Ali Uçar, Yönetici, Huawei Türkiye
Date: 13 Mart 2015
Seminer Veren Kurum: Huawei Türkiye Ar-Ge Merkezi
Topic: “Intelligent Search and Deep Neural Language Models”
Konusmaci: Araştırma Mühendisi Çağlar Tırkaz
Date: 6 Mart 2015
Seminer Veren Kurum: ETİYA
Topic : M2M (Machine to Machine) Communication and IoT (Internet of Things)
Speakers: Dr. Ali Durmuş, ETİYA Genel Müdürü Rachmi Emir, ETİYA Iş Geliştirme Yöneticisi
Date: 12 Aralık 2014
Seminer Veren Kurum: LKD ( Linux Kullanıcıları Derneği)
Topic: "Özgür Yazılım ve Linux"
Speaker: Mahir B. Aşut
Date: 5 Aralık 2014
Seminer Veren Kurum: SUNUMO
Topic: "Etkili Sunum Teknikleri"
Speaker: Mehmet Ateş
Date: 28 Kasım 2014
Seminer Veren Kurumlar: MİTTO(Marmara Üniversitesi İnovasyon ve Teknoloji Transfer Ofisi), KOSGEB(Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli İşletmeleri Geliştirme ve Destekleme Dairesi Başkanlığı), ANONİMYA, REKMOB
Topic: "Ar-Ge Inovasyon Destek Programları ve Desteklerden Yararlanan Mezunlarımızın Şirketlerinden Örnekler"
Speakers: Gözde Canlı (MİTTO), Emre Akın (KOSGEB), Ziya Mahmutoğlu (ANONİMYA), Fatih Işık (REKMOB)
Date: 21 Kasım 2014
Seminer Veren Kurum: ETİYA
Topic: “Big Data, Application Areas and Technologies: An Overview”
Speaker: Abdülkerim Mızrak
Date: 7 Kasım 2014
Seminer Veren Kurum: BİLGEADAM
Topic: "Search Engine Optimization and Mobile Marketing "
Speakers: Burhanettin Mirzooğlu, Özkan Yılmaz
Date: 17 Ekim 2014
Seminer Veren Kurum: SONY
Topic: "Guide for Evolving from Novices to Professional Software Developers"
Speaker: Lemi Orhan Ergin
Date: 10 Ekim 2014
Topic: “Akademik Çalışmalarda Alıntı Yapma ve Meslek Etiği”
Speaker: Birol Gençyılmaz
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