Farewell meeting was held with senior students at MB144 Conference room on Friday, May, 22 2015. Faculty members have shared their experience about work life with students.Also best three projects were chosen by the vote of faculty members among CSE498 Graduation projects, and the project owners were rewarded.
First Project
Project Name: “Turkish Checkers Game”
Advisor: Yrd.Doç.Dr. Ali Haydar Özer
Students: Ahmet Emre Alkan, Sami Engin Yiğiter, Burak Kılıç
Second Project
Project Name: “Solving Weighted Graph Coloring Problem by Using Evolutionary Algorithms”
Advisor: Yrd.Doç.Dr. Betül Demiröz Boz
Student: Gizem Süngü
Third Project
Project Name: “Remote Desktop for Android Devices”
Advisor: Yrd.Doç.Dr. Ömer Korçak
Students: Mehmet Çağlar, Ege Şahan
This page updated by Computer Engineering on 07.12.2015 21:46:09