Seminars given for CSE700 Seminars Course;
Melike Sinem Ucum
Title: Device To Devıce (D2D) Communıcatıon In Lte-Advanced Networks
Abstract: D2D communication in cellular networks provides devices directly communicating without base stations or another appliance. D2D communication technology is an important feature to LTE-Advanced systems. High performance, increased coverage, high data rate support, wireless peer-to-peer services are some of the advantages of this technology. With this advantages compared to available communication techniques, it has a wide range usage area such as network traffic offloading, public safety deployments, social networking, military applications, context-aware applications, multimedia applications. For example, a user may be informed about discounts while he/she in the supermarket, or she/he can share videos/photos with nearby friends using D2D in LTE-A technology. Many social networking applications need to discover and register users' geographical locations, but this process typically made by user's itself manually. This can be done automatically using D2D Proximity Services. From a technical perspective, with communicating via D2D in LTE-A, UEs (user equipment or mobile users) gain high data rates, low battery consumption and less delays. The goal of my presentation is to give an overview about D2D communication in LTE-Advanced networks standards and specs which are defined in 3GPP Release 12, and continues working with Release 13, and analyze related research works about device discovery mechanism in this area.
Gizem Süngü
Title: Solving Graph Coloring Problem by Using Evolutionary Algorithms
Abstract: The graph coloring problem is one of the well-known optimization problems from the literature that tries to assign different colors to the vertices connected through an edge in a given graph. Its aim is to use minimum number of colors to color the vertices in the graph. This problem can be used to solve many practical and theoretical problems. The graph coloring problem is an NP-complete problem and genetic algorithms are widely used to solve the graph coloring problem. In this presentation, we will explore the proposed solutions for graph coloring problem. The papers try to solve two types of graphs. The first graph model is a weighted static graph where each node has a cost. The algorithms use novel based crossover and local search techniques to find a better solution for this graph. The second model is a dynamic graph where each node has a life time to stay alive with its edges in. At each time step, number of nodes and number of edges in the graph change according to relative parameters. Some standart crossover and mutation techniques described in the literature are applied to this graph and it is the first and recently published paper that tries to solve dynamic graph coloring problem.
This page updated by Computer Engineering on 02.06.2017 01:51:16